3 Fun Facts about Butterflies
1. Butterflies taste with their feet
But this is one of the ways butterflies tell what plants to lay their eggs on. They have tastesensors on their feet, and by standing on a leaf, they can taste it to see if their caterpillars can eat it. Most adult butterflies can't bite or chew.
2. Their eyes are made of 6,000 lenses and can see
ultraviolet light.
Butterflies have two different types of eyes, single and compound. The one pair of simple eyes, ocelli, are single chambered and are primarily for determining light brightness. They are unable to focus on an individual object. The compound eyes are multifaceted and are used for their main eye sight. The light comes through one facet and is received by one rhabdom, similar to human retinas. Butterflies are able to see light wavelengths from 254 to 600 nm, this includes ultraviolet light, a light that we are unable to see. People can see only 450 to 700 nm. Flicker-fusion rate is the rate at which the light flickers to form a continuous image. For butterflies to see while flying their flicker-fusion rate is up to 250 times higher than it is for people. Our flicker-fusion rate is between 45-53 flickers per second.
3.Skipper butterflies fly so fast they could outpace a
horse, but most butterflies fly at 5 to 12 miles per hour(8
to 20 kilometers per hour).
Certainly, some fast-flying skippers can fly 30 miles per hour or faster. Slow flying butterflies probably fly five miles per hour or a little faster. During fall migration, migrating Monarchs (Danaus plexippus) have been seen flying by tall buildings such as the Empire State Building at more than 1,000+ feet.
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