HI THERE! I am sorry for not being post anything for such a long time because i went for a vacation with my family and it was so fun!!! During the trip i was thinking about places around the world which are mystery and are banned to be visited and so today i gonna share to you all about 5 mystery places which i think is scary, dangerous and surely the place you will never wanna visit.....
1. Overtoun Bridge,Scotland

50 dogs in the last 50 years have jumped off the Overtoun Bridge in Dumbarton, Scotland. They met their death on jagged rocks 40ft below the historic location. The most recorded was five dogs in just a six month period. All of the tragic incidents took place at the same spot; on the right-hand side between the last two parapets. The Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals labelled the phenomenon a “heartbreaking mystery”.The mystery caused great speculation online with some claiming that the bridge encouraged man’s best friend to commit suicide and many locals no longer take their dogs anywhere near the old Victorian bridge.Many believe the bridge is haunted after an incident in 1994 when a man named Kevin Moy threw his baby son to his death from the bridge; as he believed the newborn was the anti-Christ. He then tried to kill himself but was unsuccessful and when asked why he committed such a heinous crime, he confessed the bridge had made him do it as it had a powerful effect on him.So if love your dog very much just don't visit such a place with your dog and you better not to visit this place alone because you also may chased by 50 dog's soul too....
2. Aokigahara Forest, Japan

At the foot of Mount Fuji is the Aokigahara Forest; there has been an extreme rate of suicide and is now known as having the second highest rate of suicide in the world. Local legend is the forest has been haunted by demons and ghosts for centuries and those who enter with a ‘troubled mind ‘may be persuaded by evil powers to take their own lives. Police have mounted signs all around the forest reading, “Your life is a precious gift from your parents,” and “Please consult the police before you decide to die!” all to no avail.The forest workers say annually they discover over 50 bodies and they know many go undiscovered for years as the area stretches over 35-square kilometres. When they find a body they must carry it through the forest to the local station. It is considered bad luck for the ghost of the dead to be left alone so one of the workers has to stay with the body all night. The corpses are said to move on their own and scream throughout the night; not a job a lot of people will be queuing up for.
3.Hell Town Ohio, U.S

The north of Summit County has been renamed Hell Town by locals. Areas associated with the Hell Town name are: parts of Sagamore Hills, Northfield Center, Boston Township and Boston Village. These locations usually fall under one name, known as the Boston Mills.In the late 1960’s a legislation was signed where National Park Services purchased the land which belonged to private owners to create a new National Recreation Area. Residents were forced from the area and entire towns were cleared out; one owner had scrawled across the walls of his vacated home: “Now we know how the Indians felt”.The towns were boarded up or burnt down but the one thing they couldn’t distinguish were the rumours about Hell Town. Many believed the government forced the vacation of the area after a chemical spill which they had caused began to mutate several of the residents. The woods are now said to be overrun with trespassers from satanic cults and many believe the abandoned area is haunted by those who refused to leave their homes and were burnt alive inside.
4. Mines of Paris, France

There are the Catacombs of Paris, a popular tourist destination for anyone who travels to the area as they get to see the underground burial chambers. But then there are the Mines of Paris that are strictly forbidden to the general public. Urban explorers have been trying to discover what lies beneath the busy Parisian streets for years, the mines are so well guarded that very few have succeeded; there is even cutting-edge technology in place to alert authorities if anyone even attempts to gain access.In September 2004 the French police had found an underground cinema in the mines which ran on electricity syphoned from the city above; the mass media were alerted but when the police had returned the next day – the cinema room had been dismantled and there was mysteriously nothing left to be found. Many still believe that the mines are one of the Gateways to Hell and this is why the restriction is so tight so the city can be guarded against the arrival of any unwanted spirits.
5.Door TO HELL,Turkmenistan
Sometimes it’s better just to leave the world in it’s natural state as a team of Soviet scientists discovered in Turkmenistan, 1972. They managed to successfully open up what appears to be the gateway to hell as they were drilling for natural gases. The search created a huge 230-foot-wide, blazing crater and it has not stopped throwing out fire ever since.Many tourists flock to the area to witness first-hand a natural fire that has not stopped burning for over 40 years now. The location looks like a work of science-fiction and many get very close to the edge to feel the rush of heat on their flesh. The President of Turkmenistan had ordered for the gateway to be closed but it is an impossibility until the natural gas supply comes to an end. How much gas is left or how long the hell hole will keep burning for is still an ongoing mystery.
So this is 5 Places in the world that i think is full of mysteries and also it creep out of me!!!!Do comment in the comment box which place you think is your favourite and please do let me know if i had miss out others maybe i will do part 2 for this topic if more than 20 people request it...Please share this post and do follow me for more exciting post.THANKS AND ALWAYS STAY AWESOME!!!1