Wednesday, March 23, 2016

top 5 mystery places


HI THERE! I am sorry for not being post anything for such a long time because i went for a vacation with my family and it was so fun!!! During the trip i was thinking about places around the world which are mystery and are banned to be visited and so today i gonna share to you all about 5 mystery places which i think is scary, dangerous and surely the place you will never wanna visit.....

1. Overtoun Bridge,Scotland

50 dogs in the last 50 years have jumped off the Overtoun Bridge in Dumbarton, Scotland. They met their death on jagged rocks 40ft below the historic location. The most recorded was five dogs in just a six month period. All of the tragic incidents took place at the same spot; on the right-hand side between the last two parapets. The Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals labelled the phenomenon a “heartbreaking mystery”.The mystery caused great speculation online with some claiming that the bridge encouraged man’s best friend to commit suicide and many locals no longer take their dogs anywhere near the old Victorian bridge.Many believe the bridge is haunted after an incident in 1994 when a man named Kevin Moy threw his baby son to his death from the bridge; as he believed the newborn was the anti-Christ. He then tried to kill himself but was unsuccessful and when asked why he committed such a heinous crime, he confessed the bridge had made him do it as it had a powerful effect on him.So if love your dog very much just don't visit such a place with your dog and you better not to visit this place alone because you also may chased by 50 dog's soul too....
2. Aokigahara Forest, Japan
At the foot of Mount Fuji is the Aokigahara Forest; there has been an extreme rate of suicide and is now known as having the second highest rate of suicide in the world. Local legend is the forest has been haunted by demons and ghosts for centuries and those who enter with a ‘troubled mind ‘may be persuaded by evil powers to take their own lives. Police have mounted signs all around the forest reading, “Your life is a precious gift from your parents,” and “Please consult the police before you decide to die!” all to no avail.The forest workers say annually they discover over 50 bodies and they know many go undiscovered for years as the area stretches over 35-square kilometres. When they find a body they must carry it through the forest to the local station. It is considered bad luck for the ghost of the dead to be left alone so one of the workers has to stay with the body all night. The corpses are said to move on their own and scream throughout the night; not a job a lot of people will be queuing up for.
3.Hell Town Ohio, U.S
The north of Summit County has been renamed Hell Town by locals. Areas associated with the Hell Town name are: parts of Sagamore Hills, Northfield Center, Boston Township and Boston Village. These locations usually fall under one name, known as the Boston Mills.In the late 1960’s a legislation was signed where National Park Services purchased the land which belonged to private owners to create a new National Recreation Area. Residents were forced from the area and entire towns were cleared out; one owner had scrawled across the walls of his vacated home: “Now we know how the Indians felt”.The towns were boarded up or burnt down but the one thing they couldn’t distinguish were the rumours about Hell Town. Many believed the government forced the vacation of the area after a chemical spill which they had caused began to mutate several of the residents. The woods are now said to be overrun with trespassers from satanic cults and many believe the abandoned area is haunted by those who refused to leave their homes and were burnt alive inside.
4. Mines of Paris, France
There are the Catacombs of Paris, a popular tourist destination for anyone who travels to the area as they get to see the underground burial chambers. But then there are the Mines of Paris that are strictly forbidden to the general public. Urban explorers have been trying to discover what lies beneath the busy Parisian streets for years, the mines are so well guarded that very few have succeeded; there is even cutting-edge technology in place to alert authorities if anyone even attempts to gain access.In September 2004 the French police had found an underground cinema in the mines which ran on electricity syphoned from the city above; the mass media were alerted but when the police had returned the next day – the cinema room had been dismantled and there was mysteriously nothing left to be found. Many still believe that the mines are one of the Gateways to Hell and this is why the restriction is so tight so the city can be guarded against the arrival of any unwanted spirits.
5.Door TO HELL,Turkmenistan
Sometimes it’s better just to leave the world in it’s natural state as a team of Soviet scientists discovered in Turkmenistan, 1972. They managed to successfully open up what appears to be the gateway to hell as they were drilling for natural gases. The search created a huge 230-foot-wide, blazing crater and it has not stopped throwing out fire ever since.Many tourists flock to the area to witness first-hand a natural fire that has not stopped burning for over 40 years now. The location looks like a work of science-fiction and many get very close to the edge to feel the rush of heat on their flesh. The President of Turkmenistan had ordered for the gateway to be closed but it is an impossibility until the natural gas supply comes to an end. How much gas is left or how long the hell hole will keep burning for is still an ongoing mystery.
So this is 5 Places in the world that i think is full of mysteries and also it creep out of me!!!!Do comment in the comment box which place you think is your favourite and please do let me know if i had miss out others maybe i will do part 2 for this topic if more than 20 people request it...Please share this post and do follow me for more exciting post.THANKS AND ALWAYS STAY AWESOME!!!1

Thursday, March 10, 2016

5 Fun facts about WRESTLEMANIA

HI there! Welcome back to my blog on" Fun facts everyday".As you all know that location and date of WrestleMania 33 is revealed and it will take place in the Citrus Bowl on April 2, 2017, and for today we will look on 5 Fun facts about Wrestlemania.

1.Shawn Michaels has the most WrestleMania losses
Shawn Michaels has more classic matches on The Grandest Stage of Them All than anyother performer in WrestleMania history. His bouts against rivals like Bret “Hit Man” Hart, Ric Flair and Razor Ramon set the standard for what a Show of Shows contest should be. The only thing is HBK lost most of them.It shouldn’t take away from the fact that Michaels stole the show each of the 17 times he appeared on a WrestleMania card, but the facts are clear: HBK has lost a record 11 matches at the event. John Cena, Kurt Angle and The Undertaker (twice!) are just a few of the Superstars who got the better of Michaels on The Grandest Stage of Them All. Still, somehow even when he lost, HBK was the one Superstar every WWE fan was talking about when the show was over.BUT HE IS STILL WILL ALWAYS BE THE GREATEST 

2.The inaugural WrestleMania did not have a WWE Title Match
If there’s one Superstar expected to rise to the occasion at WrestleMania, it’s a reigning World Title holder. The WWE Champion and World Heavyweight Champion historically represented the very best in WWE competition, meaning they must be required to defend that reputation to prove their worthiness at The Showcase of the Immortals. Every WrestleMania to date has included a hard-fought battle featuring these champions — except one.Leading up to the inaugural WrestleMania, WWE Champion Hulk Hogan’s friendship with Mr. T drew the ire of “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff. Their rivalry grew so heated that it required matters to be settled in a tag team match that served as the main event on that momentous occasion in 1985. The ensuing battle proved worthy of The Show of Shows, though it also ensured that no World Titles were on the line at the first WrestleMania.
3.Miss Elizabeth wore four different outfits at one WrestleMania
“Macho Man” Randy Savage needed little help in grabbing the attention of the WWE Universe, but there was only one heart and mind that the fiery Superstar fought to win: Miss Elizabeth’s. When Savage stepped up to compete in the WWE Championship tournament at WrestleMania IV, it came as no surprise that the “First Lady of Wrestling” would stay by his side for the duration.And to mark the occasion, Miss Elizabeth made sure to stay camera-ready throughout that night in 1988. She accomplished the feat by donning a different dress for each of Savage’s four matches, from a blue, feathered gown in the opening round to the iconic white cocktail dress that she wore for the finale. Savage made history by winning the tourney and the WWE Title, but his run at WrestleMania IV also helped morph the lady on his arm into a true WWE style icon.
4.The Undertaker beat every member of Evolution
The Phenom’s unprecedented run of success at The Showcase of the Immortals stands as a testament to his longevity, toughness and ability to overcome any challenge with a performance that always leaves the WWE Universe in awe.It’s not like the trail of defeated opponents that The Deadman left in his wake are a bunch of ham-and-eggers, either. Just ask the faction of generational greats known as Evolution, who each attempted to topple the vaunted undefeated Streak at WrestleMania. Triple H was the first to face him, and he eventually came up short three  different  times. Ric Flair fell in defeat one year after The Game’s first attempt, while Randy Orton just barely lost to The Phenom at WrestleMania 21. Batista endured a loss two years later to complete The Undertaker’s sweep of Evolution.
5.WrestleMania 2 happened on a Monday
The WWE Universe is well accustomed to welcoming WrestleMania on a Sunday in the spring, but fans in 1986 didn’t know what to expect from the fledgling Show of Shows. So they likely didn’t bat an eye when they learned that April 7, 1986 — the date of WrestleMania 2 — fell on a Monday.That scheduling choice makes the ’86 edition the only one to not take place on a Sunday. The Showcase of the Immortals returned to Sunday one year later, while WWE embraced the idea of Monday night fights nine years later with Raw, the longest-running weekly episodic program on television.
So this is some fun facts on Wrestlemania.I am sure that WWE FANS are sure excited about this upcoming huge events and hope it will end up as what we expected.Hope you like this post and share this with your friends and please do comment in the comment box on what facts you wanna know next. Do check out on my last post on 5 Fun Facts about manchester united and please click the google follower button and follow me for more amazing post next.REMEMBER TO ALWAYS STAY HYDRATED AND STAY AWESOME!!!!!  

Thursday, March 3, 2016

         5 Fun Facts about Manchester United
Hey guys welcome to my channel on fun facts everyday and today we eill looking on some fun facts about one of the popular ever "Manchester United". Manchester United is well known since past till today and it is also known as the strongest team all time so without wasting any time lets look at 5 fun facts about manchester united.

1.The odd one

Current Manchester United boss Louis van Gaal is the first 

non-British manager of the Red Devils.

2.The best scorer

Wayne Rooney is the highest scoring Englishman in 

Champions League history, with 29, while former United 

midfielder Paul Scholes is the second highest with 24.

3.The biggest win ever

Manchester United’s 9-0 victory against Ipswich Town at Old 

Trafford on 4th March 1995 remains the biggest ever 

Premier League victory.
Watch the match here....

4.The fast scorer
Giggs also holds the record for fastest goal scored by United, 

netting after 15 seconds vs Southampton in 1995.

5.The best

The 1999 Treble winning season made United the second 

British team to achieve the feat (after Celtic in 1967) as well 

as the first (and so far, only) English team to win it, and one 

of only 7 European clubs thus far.

So this is some fun facts about Manchester United.I hope you all enjoy it and please share this post if you are a fan of manchester united and do comment in the comment box below on which stuff you would like to see next. You also can click to follow me at the bottom of the page and follow me for upcoming amazing post.Thanks and Peace out!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Great Wall of China
Hey guys i m back and today i am going to talk about the "Great Wall of China". "Great wall of China'' is one of the wonders of the world,so what is this ''Great wall of China'' is all about? Many people will surely had though of this picture at the first moment of hearing this name....
This is how people think of great wall of china if they never seen the real one.

Ok so lets back to the topic, the great wall of China is actually  fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China to protect the Chinese states and empires against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups of the Eurasian Steppe. This is how the real Great Wall of China looks like

Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century bce these, later joined together and made bigger and stronger, are now collectively referred to as the Great Wall. Especially famous is the wall built 220–206 bce by Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. Little of that wall remains. Since then, the Great Wall has on and off been rebuilt, maintained, and enhanced; the majority of the existing wall is from the Ming Dynasty.

Other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and emigration. Furthermore, the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were enhanced by the construction of watch towers, troop barracks, garrison stations, signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor.
The Great Wall stretches from Dandong in the east, to Lop Lake in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia. A comprehensive archaeological survey, using advanced technologies, has concluded that the Ming walls measure 8,850 km (5,500 mi).This is made up of 6,259 km (3,889 mi) sections of actual wall, 359 km (223 mi) of trenches and 2,232 km (1,387 mi) of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers.Another archaeological survey found that the entire wall with all of its branches measure out to be 21,196 km (13,171 mi).
Map of all the wall constructions

MANY Tourist throughout the world are visiting are visiting this place everyday and it can 
be said that it is one of the main attraction of tourist to visit CHINA but do u know that many lives had be sacrifice just to built this wall? It is said that as many as 400,000 people died during the wall's construction; many of these workers were buried within the wall itself.
Picture of poor villagers building the great wall of china

Another great thing that amazing about Great Wall Of China is that it is said that it can be seen from space.According to Leroy Chiao, a Chinese-American astronaut, took a photograph from the International Space Station that shows the wall. It was so indistinct that the photographer was not certain he had actually captured it. Based on the photograph, the CHINA DAILY later reported that the Great Wall can be seen from 'space' with the naked eye, under favorable viewing conditions, if one knows exactly where to look. However, the resolution of a camera can be much higher than the human visual system, and the optics much better, rendering photographic evidence irrelevant to the issue of whether it is visible to the naked eye.

SO thats is a little facts about the ''Great wall of China'', i hope you like it and do share to your friends and you also can check more details about the great wall of china here..

I had also recently wrote a new post about ''Pointer'' a dog breed kind that is also quite amazing do check about it here from my another blog...